Get a high level of personalization with individual coaching sessions with Matt!

Every one-on-one session comes with a new level of direct connection and customization for your student.  GREAT FOR CAREER TRANSITIONS TOO!

Because group dynamics may prohibit some students from fully interacting in a public workshop, we offer one-on-one mentoring sessions that can be conducted over zoom or in person (if possible). Some students may find the one-on-one session is more advantageous to their learning style so please inquire about rates and available time slots.

Key elements of one-on-one coaching include:

  • Working on clearly and confidently articulating your unique story / brand
  • Creating a job search process (from networking to interviews).
  • How to re-brand yourself as part of a transition.
  • Understanding how to be your “authentic self” during an interview

Whenever I give guest lectures on college campuses, I can’t tell you how many students would come down to the front of the lecture hall, after my presentation, to talk with me in private.  I understand the need for one-on-one coaching/mentoring and look forward to working with as many students that need it.

While the expression “you get one chance to make a good first impression” is accurate, the real question to ask your student is this:

“Are YOU ready to learn the art of making those good impressions?


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